Intumescent Fire Dampers & Fire Rated Air Transfer Grilles

For those who may not be familiar, intumescent materials are widely used in passive fire protection. The dictionary definition of intumescent is as follows: An intumescent substance is one that swells when exposed to heat, resulting in an increase in volume and a decrease in density. Intumescence refers to the swelling process. Intumescent materials are typically used in passive fire protection, where the swelling is a chemical reaction that forms a char, which continues to expand and seals off openings.

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Open State Cavity Fire Barrier in Australia

Many people consider the cavity gap is just a control, movement joint, or linear gap seal and want to use the same fire resistance/fire testing data prescriptive (or deemed to satisfy provisions) regulations use for these control joints. Why can’t we, or can we? What is different with rainscreen cavity barriers joints to conventional control joints?A conventional control joint is a gap between two fire rated elements – example concrete to concrete. A horizontal cavity barrier joint is typically a gap between a.........

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Passive fire and smoke containment and control for the HVAC&R industry

Without over complicating things, this ductwork needs to turn of automatically when a building is in fire mode. This is to stop the heating & air conditioning system spreading smoke to all parts of the building. Where the ductwork passes through a fire barrier, there is a requirement for a fire damper. A fire damper is a failsafe means of protecting these openings....

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