Passive Fire Stopping for
Concrete Floor Systems

Concrete slabs are the most common type of fire rated floor used in the Australian building industry due to their inherent strength and fire-resistant properties.

This page lists the tested passive fire penetration systems currently available to maintain the fire resistance level (FRL) of service penetrations through concrete floors systems with both cast-in options as well as retro-fit systems for core holes and larger openings.


We have a wide range of resources available for every product and system to ensure that you’re choosing the right fire stopping solution for your needs.

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FRL Tables, installation instructions, benefits, applications, and more are all available in our comprehensive manuals, for all systems and products.

Passive Fire Stopping Systems for
Concrete Floor Systems

Fire Protection foeConcrete Floor Slab- passive fire

FyreCOLLAR Premium Retrofit logo

Retrofit solution ideal for

PVC Pipes ranging 50mm to 150mm


FyreCOLLAR Floor Waste logo

Cast-in fire-stopping solutions for floor waste

applications, with approvals up to 4 hours  across

a huge range of common pipe types and sizes.



Fire-rated acrylic sealant perfect fire-stopping

for metal pipes and electrical cables/tray


Fyreplug logo

Penetration protection with

FyrePLUG Fire-rated pillows


Fyreset Logo

Australian Made special cement-based mixture

formulated specifically for fire rating applications,

Tested in numerous configurations and with a multitude

of service penetration types  providing FRLs up to -/240/240

(system dependent)


TWRAP logo

Penetration protection for copper

pipes in floors and walls with TWRAP


TWRAP logo

Penetration protection for cable

trays in floors with TWRAP


FyreBATT logo

Penetration protection with FyreBATT


UniGUARD logo

Quicker installation option for wrapping

large metal pipes. FRLs up to -/120/120

for large metal pipes


High-performance fire-rated board

for  floor and wall penetrations

on either side of the slab


High-performance fire-rated board

for  floor and wall penetrations

on either side of the slab


Intumescent lined system designed to prevent

the spread of fire through service penetrations.

Allows multiple and mixed services to pass through

one opening, eliminating the need for 200mm

separation between adjacent service.


FyreCOLLAR Cast-In logo

Provides a full range of solutions for use in both

stack pipe and floor waste applications,

with up to 4 hours across a huge range'

of common pipes types and sizes.  


FyreCOLLAR Conduit logo

Small retrofit collar for plastic

services like conduits and PEX



FyrePEX HP logo

Intumescent sealant for cables and small pipes


We’re proud to be making passive fire protection easier every single day. Our extensive range of resources have been written, developed, or sourced by Trafalgar Fire’s experienced team of passive fire professionals to help you better understand our systems, products, and the passive fire industry as a whole.

Check out the latest installation and product videos, articles, and case studies for Concrete Floor Systems.


Retrofit Fire Collar | FyreCOLLAR Premium Retrofit

Four tubes of FyreFLEX Fire-Resistant Sealant

FyreFLEX® Intumescent Sealant

Looking for something else? Check out the rest of our systems today.