Easy Passive Fire Stopping for
IntRWall Penetrations
IntRwall® or party wall systems are unique types of intertenancy plasterboard walls that have a solid fire-rated core with stud cavities on both sides which provide excellent acoustic and other benefits for multi-story apartment buildings. However, when used as a fire-rated wall along an apartment-to-corridor boundary, multiple service penetrations need to be considered.
We have a wide range of resources available for every product and system to ensure that you’re choosing the right fire stopping solution for your needs.
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FRL Tables, installation instructions, benefits, applications, and more are all available in our comprehensive manuals, for all systems and products.
Passive Fire Stopping Systems for
IntRwall® Penetration Solutions
Our SuperSTOPPER Slab-Mount is perfect for protecting services penetrating through IntRwall®. The SuperSTOPPER Slab-Mount is a proudly Australian made passive fire penetration system used for multiple and mixed service penetrations which has been designed and tested to be built into residential/commercial apartment walls and riser shafts reducing the space required for service penetrations, providing predictable site costs and a reliable method of fire stopping.
We’re proud to be making passive fire protection easier every single day. Our extensive range of resources has been written, developed, or sourced by Trafalgar Fire’s experienced team of passive fire professionals to help you better understand our systems, products, and the passive fire industry as a whole.
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