Fyre Stop Systems

Pyro-Safe Flammotect-A Cable Coating

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Pyro-Safe Flammotect-A is an ablative cable coating product manufactured in Germany by SVT to protect cables from fire spread across their surfaces should a fire start on or adjacent to the cables.  Pyro-Safe Flammotect-A is FM approved, a requirement for most industrial applications in Australia and is suitable for both internal and external usage and is DNV approved for marine and offshore applications.

Ablative coatings, do not react under fire conditions, they are extremely endothermic and ceramify under fire conditions, absorbing heat and slowing down flame propagation. The stringent FM Approval process ensures that PYRO-SAFE Flammotect-A can withstand extreme conditions such as freeze/thaw cycles, UV light, grease, oil and other contaminants present in industrial applications. This testing also ensures that the protective coating does not de-rate the cables current carrying capacity.

Pyro-Safe Cable Coating Technical Manual


Certificate of Compliance


For more information, please contact our Technical Team at [email protected] or 1800 888 714.